028 9269 9777 info@craftstone.co.uk

DCU Dublin

The Nano-Bioanalytical Research Facility (NRF) is located on the Dublin City University (DCU) Glasnevin Campus. The state of the art facility was funded under the Higher Education Authority Programme for Research in Third Level Institutions and established to address the needs of the research activities in Science and Engineering, both within and external to DCU.

Craftstone were requested to provide a solution for a light weight cladding that could be post fixed after the curtain walling. The result was Craftstone’s GRC horizontal bands in a Portland finish.

Dublin city University

Mola Architectures,
RKD Architectures

Felix O’Hare


Get in Touch

17 Skelton's Road Banbridge County Down BT32 4HL

Call Us: 028 9269 9777

Email: info@craftstone.co.uk