028 9269 9777 info@craftstone.co.uk

Anna House
Kingston upon Thames

This project at Kingston upon Thames consists of two large modernist family houses located in a quiet suburban road on the outskirts of London. The exterior of each house was designed with a white cast stone finish.

Private Dwelling

Q Developments

Terry Pawson Architects

Buxton Building Contractors Ltd

After providing a number of samples for approval, Craftstone was chosen to manufacture and supply Portland cast stone blocks, sills, parapet copings and wall copings.

This was a well thought out and creative design by the architect and the clean lines of the cast stone exterior supplied by Craftstone emphasises the modernist concept of the project.

Get in Touch

17 Skelton's Road Banbridge County Down BT32 4HL

Call Us: 028 9269 9777

Email: info@craftstone.co.uk