028 9269 9777 info@craftstone.co.uk

Faith School, Glasgow

Local authority East Renfrewshire Council delivered a  £17 million joint campus to provide an unique and innovative new facility which was designed and specifically built with the sole aim of welcoming pupils of both Catholic and Jewish faiths under one roof namely St Clare’s Primary and Calderwood Lodge, and a non-denominational nursery class.

The children now get to share the same flexible meeting spaces which include the external landscaped areas.The new facilities formed part of a wider multi-million pound investment in the council’s school estate to improve services for its youngest residents and communities.

The project also featured elements of creative Artscape including a yellow, blue and red with Craftstone’s Crystalpave embedded concrete wall. Hardscape created entirely bespoke moulds for the Crystalpave units to be manufactured to fit into the very colourful concrete walls!

Craftstone’s Crystalpave Feature was imbedded into the precast panels.

East Renfrewshire Council

BDP Architects

Heron Bros

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17 Skelton's Road Banbridge County Down BT32 4HL

Call Us: 028 9269 9777

Email: info@craftstone.co.uk